Today was amazing!!! First, I handled the fence situation. The fence lady came out and leveled the fence and it looks 100% better. Then, Gabe, my brother-in-law, and Jake spent the day helping me completely clear out and level the ground that is now part of my back yard since I pushed back the fence (the part of the yard that will house my new raised veggie beds).So basically, all of the grass that you see in the first picture (where Beans is standing) is now removed. It was incredible. They worked so hard. It would have taken me weeks to do what they did today. It turns out asking for help works out pretty well. Normally, I just try and do everything all by myself. I'm super lucky to have such an awesome boyfriend and brother. The yard looks fantastic and I can't wait to spend my summer in it harvesting tons of organic vegetables. It is going to be awesome! Check out this series of photos to see how my backyard got transformed. Yay!!
yay your dream came true!! can't wait to see it in person. i'm so proud of you (and gabe and jake)... it looks spectacular! love always.