
Monday, March 16, 2009

Phase three: Pot 'em up!

Ok, so let's review my progress. 
Phase one: I planted my seeds in a flat of soil, watered them, and put them on the heat. 

Phase two: As soon as green leaves started pushing through, I took the flat off the heat, got them under a light set-up, and made sure they had 16 hours of light each day. 

Phase three: Today, I thinned my seedlings by choosing the hardiest looking prospects. Then, I planted the seedlings I chose into individual 4in pots. I fertilized them with a watering can enriched with fish emulsion (thanks Bette!) and now they're resting for the night. In a couple weeks, I'll start hardening them off (putting them outside for spurts of time to get them ready to be out in the colder weather) and will plant them in my beds. 

Tonight, the moon is in Scorpio, a very productive time to plant, so there is a pretty good chance that these seedlings will not only survive, but thrive. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for making it this far...visions of fresh sauteed kale and broccoli stir fry dance in my head. 

1 comment:

  1. that's so funny! i have those same visions of you cooking that stir fry for me!! i love hearing about all your gardening delights. can't wait to see it all in person one day. have fun at double dutch tonight! i love you TONS.
