
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lovely Ladies

Today was probably one of the hardest days of work I've had in a long time. I had to stay focused and productive all day knowing I was going to get my chicks today. I felt like a kid! The farmer in line behind me at the feed store, who asked for 25 Buff Orpingtons and 25 Americaunas, asked me, "You already got 'em named?" Of course I do.

This is my little Buff Orpington, Ethel. I don't think I should be picking favorites, but I think she might be mine. The other girls are so feisty with each other, but she's mellow and just rolls with it.

The little redhead, a Rhode Island Red, is Lucy. She and Ethel seemed to enjoy pecking around together so I thought their names were fitting.

And this is Penny, my green-blue egg-laying Americauna. She is a week older than the other girls and is by far the feistiest of them all – she'll push right through the other girls and is not afraid to peck them either. If there really is a pecking order, I think she'll be on top.

So now they're all tucked into their bathtub brooder and I'm trying not to go into the bathroom every five minutes to see how they're doing. I've already raised and lowered the heat lamp chain at least four times to try and get the temperature just right. There's nothing quite like the contented chips I hear – I can tell I'm turning into a crazy chicken lady already. More updates to come!


  1. woo hoo! I've been thinking of you all day, and hoping that you'd get the chicks you wanted!!

    Can't wait to hear their exploits!!

    (and we'll never call you a crazy chicken lady...okay, maybe we will...)

  2. Adorable and practical.... what a great combination! See you Saturday!

  3. yay! thanks for posting pictures of your litte ladies :)
