
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Honey Bee Mosaic

After I got the flagstone path installed for my wild flower garden, I discovered that we needed one more stone to make for a smoother transition across the grass. So to fill the space and honor the pollinators that I hope to attract, I made a honey bee mosaic stepping stone with tumbled stained glass. Here is the stone from start to finish.


  1. Turned out gorgeous! Do you mosaic a lot?

  2. What a happy looking bee!

    (this is another Meg! ) :)

  3. This really turned out well. You have a such a fun and unique garden to visit!

  4. Hi Stacy! Your blog is awesome. It was so fun to share dinner with you on Friday. And now I have a gardening question for you! The soil in the basil and mint starts I potted on Monday is growing mold. The gray fuzzy kind that you usually see in forgotten tupperware containers at the back of the fridge. What's up with that? I pinched the mold off, no big deal, but I don't understand why it's growing in the first place.

    See you soon, I hope,

