Well, the seeds I planted two weeks ago outside in the cloche are sprouting! I was getting a little worried there for a while, what with the snow/rain mix we had last week. Also, I guess since just recently I sowed seeds indoors that sprouted within a week, I was a little over-anxious. After all, the seeds outside weren't sitting right above a warm, cozy heater like the ones inside. And I should have been a little more confident - I did plant them when the moon was in Pisces (a very productive sign, for all you voodoo planting newbies).

Yesterday, during the short time I had between getting my haircut and getting ready to go to Olympia to see Jesus Christ Superstar at the Capitol Theater with Jake and Bette, I planted the little seedlings that I hardened off last week. Time was of the essence - yesterday the moon was in Cancer! I checked on them this morning and they're looking great. I think the sun and warm temperatures we're expecting today will do them good.

Finally, today, my auntie Becky, Grandma, and I were going to go to the S
kagit Valley Tulip Festival to see the tulips in bloom, but because of the crazy cold and snowy weather we've been having, not a single tulip has bloomed. We're going to postpone our trip to later this month, but I just had to post this picture of my amazing spring tulips (that one's for you Bette!). They may not be blooming in Skagit, but they sure are around here. I wonder if they planted under a good sign?
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