Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Peas with a little cello

I harvested my first peas of the season yesterday. I find harvesting peas to be so intriguing. I get into a groove, picking peas like crazy, and then, when I stop for a minute because it seems like I've picked all the peas in an area, I find more.

If you stare into the pea vines long enough, you'll find more right in front of your nose. I know it sounds strange, but when you think about it, most of the things we harvest (think zucchini and strawberries) are a different color than the plant that surrounds it, so they're easy to spot. But peas, and beans for that matter, and their surrounding leaves and vines are the same color, so they are easily camouflaged amongst the legume foliage.

I toted my little red ipod around with me all day yesterday as I gardened and harvested those delicious peas and just couldn't get enough of my new tunes. I usually garden to the sounds of the birds and the city, but I recently discovered a musical gem that has made my gardening doubly entertaining. While listening to one of my favorite podcasts, Radio Lab, I heard Jad, one of the co-hosts of the show, interviewing Zoe Keating. Zoe is a cellist that fuses together different melodies, created with her cello, to compose songs that sound as if they were being played by an orchestra. After replaying that podcast episode several times so I could hear the sample songs she played, I finally bought her new album. It's not even on iTunes yet, but you can download the mp3 version of the album directly from her web site. I don't know how many times I've listened to track two, Escape Artist. Cheesy, I know, but I find it breath-taking.

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